Serious corruption in Merseyside Police: exposed and explained

Serious corruption in Merseyside Police: exposed and explained

If you are reading this page you are likely trying to understand what on earth is going on and what about is the serious corruption in Merseyside Police I talk about in my lengthy posts.

As I appreciate many of people visiting this page have very limited time, I have prepared my current post to, first, introduce a very short and compact story of the events, which can be read and understood, probably, in 2 minutes, and some guide / navigator among the bigger parts of my publications, for those who have more than 2 minutes.

The short story of serious corruption in Merseyside Police

I am in Fintech business since 2007 and own several licensed financial firms. In 2014 I opened bank accounts in the UK and kept money there while living abroad. In 2016 I fell seriously ill (incurable autoimmune disease Ankylosing Spondylitis) and stopped traveling to the UK for 2 years. Seeing my extended absence, Merseyside Police applied in April 2018 to the court for my UK bank accounts, trying to get a court order which would open for them the path for further forfeiture of those monies, more than ₤1.5 million. When doing so without my knowledge, they materially misled the court by portraying me as a mysterious Russian person who sold a fake ₤750-worth airline ticket, who did other similar low-level frauds, and whose “whereabouts are unknown”, while they knew I employ hundreds of staff and my business sponsored Liverpool FC at the time, beside many other leading sports teams and stars. As, after their court application, I unexpectedly turned up and caught them in committing this perjury, I informed them about my intention to file a report / complaint against them for having committed criminal offence of perjury. Since then, for almost 2 years, these corrupt officers are trying to fabricate investigation against me as a way to discredit me in the face of my complaint about them themselves having committed criminal offence by lying to the court in the expectation that no one ever will dare to address that (obviously because they did not know about my serious illness which caused my absence and were thinking I am afraid to come to the UK, while having left money there, for 2 years preceding their court application). I dared to challenge them on their misconduct, and now, for the second year in a row, I pay the price of that, which is their harassment of my life by abuse of power of the UK state as a means to silence me. But the worst and most important thing in this story is that the management of the Merseyside Police has fully endorsed the conduct of these officers calling it being fully “in line with the high standards”. By that reason, I made complaints against the management of the Force as well, for gross misconduct by cover-up of serious corruption. As of now my complaints include 12 police officers of Merseyside Police ­whom I believe to form a network of wilful cover-up of serious corruption.

Too short?

The extended specific evidence is available at the page Evidence of serious corruption in Merseyside Police: 2018-2020. It starts with an introduction chapter but you can switch directly to the specific examples of perjury by scrolling to the header “The first example of deliberate misleading the court by MPECT” (around 10 screens down from top of the page).

What next?

Now that you are aware of the short story of serious corruption in Merseyside Police, you are respectfully invited to either continue reading the long story – if you have time, or, in alternative, switch directly to my public Call to action to the UK netizens on corruption which would allow you to underpin the public interest, protect yourself from risks of abuse of power and pursue the prosperity of your country by spending just 5 minutes of your time. I am sure, you will appreciate that what I propose is one of the most promising (at least, on surface) offers of investment of your time which you have ever seen.

The long story of serious corruption in Merseyside Police

Today I have made public several important documents. I will list those:

1. Open letter to the UK public on the issue of serious corruption in the UK system, 3rd February 2020

This post is also available in form of a 23-page printable PDF document and represents full description of the events I fell victim of at the hands of Merseyside Police and the semantics of how blatant lies about ₤750-worth fraud under oath of a lowest rank of Merseyside Police – Detective Constable [Officer 5] – led, by a snowball effect, to cascade of events which resulted into a multi-million damages to my life, multi-million legal expenses and a complaint against the Chief Constable of the Force. This post is explicitly focused on explaining the sequence of events and semantics of my complaints, how those unfolded one after one, requiring to address higher and higher ranks of the Force in accordance with my new and new frightening discoveries.

2. Evidence of serious corruption in Merseyside Police: 2018-2020

This post, available, again, in form of a 19-page printable PDF document, is dedicated to focus attention on what I believe to be irresistible evidence of serious corruption in Merseyside Police. That evidence forms the core of misconduct I complain about and, simultaneously, also acts as evidence of existence of cover-up of serious corruption in Merseyside Police, because, reading that evidence, you will benefit from knowing that each and every rank in Merseyside Police, including its Professional Standards Department (“PSD”), has, upon my challenge and / or bringing up that evidence, endorsed that conduct at certain point of time, by either recusing to investigate it (like did PSD for 8 months, causing me to spend hundreds of thousands of pounds for the High Court proceedings before they finally conceded that serious corruption deserves investigation) or blatant endorsing it (like in the case of the management of Merseyside Police).

I do apologise for making there 3 pages of introductions, but it was important for me to place evidence in proper context. Likewise, I apologise that the document consists of 19 pages but I do believe that, making very serious allegations, I needed to be very specific and dedicated in proving my allegations.

3. My letter to the Director of the (lamentable) IOPC.

This post, available also in form of a 9-page printable PDF-document, is addressed to the IOPC in its capacity as a safeguard whose failure has wholesale nature in my case and led to significant aggravating of financial and other damages to my life. Without failures of the IOPC the malice and corruption in Merseyside Police I got to deal with would never flourish so deeply and so long as they did.

Ex-judge of the High Court Sir Richard Henriques called in his report published in October 2019 being “lamentable“. I fully support his evaluation.

4. Association Against Abuse of Police Powers and Privileges (AAAPPP)

The post is available by the link.

My interaction with what I believe to be network of serious corruption in Merseyside Police caused me enormous stress, financial and other damages. I went through suffering which I do not wish anyone in his or her life to ever go through. Spending more than ₤1,500,000 on legal expenses and interacting with different Queens’ Counsels for hundreds of hours, I have acquired certain knowledge and understanding of the system of the safeguards on which victims of serious corruption and malice in police forces should rely on, as also the weaknesses and pitfalls of those safeguards. I have decided to establish – and finance by investing into it hundreds of thousands of pounds and my personal time – the not-for-profit organization to help other victims of serious corruption in the UK police forces to avoid pains and suffering arising from wilful malice where they are left alone with abuse of power of the state applied to them, let alone that not everyone can afford legal advice in what it appears to be often the deadlocks in their lives.

5. Seven public questions on serious corruption to the management of Merseyside Police

As a result of the failure of the management of Merseyside Police to properly address serious corruption in accordance with the policy of their Force and – what it inevitably is – endorsing serious corruption, I am pursuing the public interest by holding the management of Merseyside Police accountable for their decisions, in public, by asking them 7 simple questions publicly. This is a painful process for the system of going through frustrating highlighting of serious corruption, but that painful experience will benefit the coming generations of the officers in different police forces of the UK by demonstrating that a highly paid public servant cannot blatantly state that black is white and expect himself being unaccountable for such a wilful or reckless failure in judgement on a very material and serious topic of serious corruption.

6. My public call to the UK netizens on serious corruption in the UK system

The post is available by the link.

I do believe that word has the power and that this power can break walls of nepotism, tolerance to serious corruption, wilful malice and reckless cover-up which may rot any system from the inside. But the word needs to be directed and coordinated to be heard and work in unison, to make the maximum effect. When there is a high-flying corruption, it requires a high-flying addressing by the public. Ability of the public to self-organise and give a coordinated response is at the only way to wash out corruption which went too far. Likewise, corruption which can see that the public does not address it seriously and in a coordinated manner, will always reproduce itself in the minds of those public servants who observed the between the good and the bad and could see that the bad had won. Ignorance and indifference is what facilitates the corruption.

My public call to the UK netizens is not a political one: it is above politics as no one tolerates corruption and my public call for action is to highlight the corruption of people who think that they are untouchable, unaccountable and there is no one above them, thanks to unique role and the position of police forces and their chiefs. Malice and corruption, when reached such a level, can be fought only by a public attention and recognition of it. If you are against corruption and if you agree that silence can only benefit corruption, spread the word as per my public Call to action to the UK netizens on serious corruption.

Timely updates and communication

I will be updating this page properly if anything material comes up. As long as you read it and there is no mention that any information on this page is not actual, you can be sure that everything above is actual information requiring high attention.

You may contact me at any time by e-mail on the matters above.

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