Detective Sergeant / Inspector Sean Bylinski-Gelder

Detective Sergeant / Inspector Sean Bylinski-Gelder

The evil has many names and in my case it is Detective Inspector Sean Bylinski-Gelder, who I believe to be the key person behind the corruption at the Merseyside Police I fell victim to.

This charismatic, highly intelligent (but low-ethics) man was a Sergeant behind the two initial ex parte applications of 10th August 2017 (Production Order) and 23rd April 2018 (Account Freezing Order), discussed in another post of my blog. The first application (for a Production Order) was deemed to be safe as it was assumed to be not visible to me even in a foreseen future. However, the same does not relate to the Account Freezing Order: once the bet I would never appear in the UK after the two years of inexplicable (for DI Bylinski-Gelder, as he did not know I was seriously ill during these two years) absence did not work, he – quite correctly – realised he might need to pay the price for his role in, what it apparently was, a conspiracy of commission of criminal offences of (1) perjury and (2) improper / corrupt exercise of police powers and privileges. The latter criminal offence was introduced by the parliament specifically for cases where bent police officers manipulate their statutory powers to apply them in a way, diverted from what a reasonable observer would expect them to do, and where such an act was performed with the purpose of damaging another person. Both criteria are self-sufficiently met in the Account Freezing Order application of 23rd April 2018, orchestrated by Detective Sergeant (as he was then) Bylinski-Gelder, by the fact that the court was outrageously, absolutely unbelievably misled with the intent to obtain a court order opening the shortcut to future forfeiture of monies in my absence, would I never appear.

Understanding the risks and seeing that the Merseyside Police was, despite their calculation of nobody ever appearing, instantly contacted by my staff with the request to clarify what is going on, DS Bylinski-Gelder did a very non-standard, but very clever and brave thing: through his marionette (a fellow detective sergeant) he arranged a Skype call with me with the intent, as was portrayed to me, to answer “any questions” which I might have.

To clarify for those unfamiliar what the police investigations are, it is not a standard thing that ‘investigators‘ apply for a court order to freeze monies and then propose the ‘suspect‘ a Skype call promising to answer any his questions: it is the suspects who answer the questions, not the other way around, let alone where the call is a result of the initiative of ‘investigators‘. Whilst it is correct to say that my status of ‘suspect’ was a complete forgery of the corrupt officers, it was still a very brave and clever thing to do to arrange such a Skype call. Despite the presence of his fellow (marionette) sergeant during the call, DS Bylinski-Gelder, of course, hosted it, as would do any mastermind of the events. Clever people like to handle everything by themselves when it comes to critical things.

The purpose of the call was the damage control, a measure of putting out the fire in what might explode once I reach the copy of the Account Freeze Order application, which by that time, I – through my staff – was fruitlessly demanding for almost two months in a row, facing one excuse and change of the topic after another. Once the Skype call was concluded, I was generously, with a two-month delay supplied with the copy of the Account Freeze Application, which was a very interesting reading, most salient points of which were addressed in my previous blog post. The damage control effort was half-backed by that very reason: no sensible questions could be asked by me during the call in the absence of the copy of the court application: those serious questions appeared after it was read. Moreover, when, after the Skype call with the ‘investigators’, which had place on 27th June 2018, having read their wonderful application to the court, I offered them to meet me ‘next week’ so as to clarify any concerns they had (having portrayed me to the court as a person who had sold a £750-worth fake airline ticket), the corrupt officers, under the orchestration of DI Bylinski-Gelder have refused to do so. As by then my payment company, licensed by the FCA, was amidst a reauthorization procedure (as were all UK payment companies at the time), with the deadline of reauthorization being 13th July 2018, such a refusal, effectively, doomed my UK payment company to lose its ability to perform business and terminate it: the FCA could not even in theory extend the payment licence when being contacted by the UK police about “serious criminal investigation” (and not a fabricated court application alleging me to have sold a fake £750-worth airline ticket; the FCA was not informed about them having made such serious and truthful allegations at the ex parte hearing).

Of course, the refusal to meet me on 6th July 2018, giving ability to ‘clear’ the non-existent ‘criminal’ ‘case’, which was a total fake, is not my main claim against DI Bylinski-Gelder and his corrupt group. The root concern is that the outrageously and blatantly misleading account freeze application was made in the first place: had it been not made, such a situation of loss of the business would never happen. The fact that, having created such a situation, DI Bylinski-Gelder has decided to play further was only an aggravating factor: it was open for him to come up, as they were planning (and trying to do, in a half-baked way) initially, and state they got confused, close the case and go away with their sham policing practices. Their experiment (of checking whether I would ever appear after two years of intriguing them absence in the UK) with filing a sham court application had likely simply coincided with the reauthorization process without the intent of creating for me an ideal storm, which could be properly and easily addressed by going away peacefully. However, seeing that unfortunate coincident, he had decided to play more, to retain himself in my life because he wanted to keep at his hands the leverage against possible complaints: the criminal case, ‘Operation’ ‘Kobus’. By this reason he has withdrawn from the initial plan of making pretences they ‘got confused’, wanting to see what would be my next actions.

Moreover, based on the evidence available to me, I can see that not only did he nothing to address the coincidence of the timing of their sham account freeze order application with the timing of reauthorization of my payment company, but, instead, after learning about the reauthorization process of my payment company he and his corrupt group made efforts to ensure that my UK payment business would lose ability to operate: they contacted the FCA and maintained the same spectacle of a ‘serious’ ‘investigation’ they have done before the court, but this time without pretending they do not know about the payment licence (which would be absurd, given that it was a contact to the regulator; this, by itself, implied they knew about the regulated payment business). These sham police officers portrayed their sham investigation to everyone around being a serious thing and everyone were entitled to believe as they were interacting with people acting in the name of the UK Police.

This chosen course of action of continuing playing with the power was a big mistake: on 13th July 2018 my UK payment business, developed by me for three years, got to close its operations. Having, as any other evil, low ability to perceive other people’s pain, the evil of rotten corruption at the UK Police named Sean Bylinski-Gelder did not understand that he cannot do such thing to me and then just remain scot-free like nothing happened; that by this he opened a whole new chapter in his malicious and corrupt ‘career’ of a ‘police’ ‘officer’.

On 24th July 2018, recognizing that what had started as a bad joke, had found a real-world materialization in form of the loss of my payment business, I sent to the corrupt group of the Merseyside Police officers an ultimatum that, would they not stop misconduct, allowing me to restore the freshly lost business, I would file a complaint. In response to that ultimatum DI Bylinski-Gelder made another half-baked effort, unfreezing the bigger part of the monies and offering, through the force’s solicitor, to leave £600,000 for forfeiture. Whilst it appears to me being inconceivable that, being caught in the commission of criminal offences and offered to get away peacefully by simply stopping the misconduct, DI Bylinsky-Gelder’s corrupt group have decided to ‘trade’, I feel the reasons of that to be that (1) they even did not consider that what they have done to be outrageous (i.e. blatant outrageous lies to the court, so what; they likely did those the whole their careers – one more, one less), and that (2) their prejudice made them confident no businessman of my nationality deserves being dealt with under the rule of law and the real UK standards. It was, I suppose, like if it was outrageous for them that I, the damn Russian with a Muslim name, referred them to the rule of law. Hence the ‘trading’ with the conditions. How can a Russian, or a person with Muslim name, teach the bright Merseyside Police officers about the rule of law? It is my understanding that for them, and, ultimately, for DI Bylinski-Gelder, it could, at best, be seen only as a desperate self-defence: even clever and highly intelligent people suffer from prejudice.

As in my ultimatum of 24th July 2018 I mentioned the multi-million damages to me having been done, ever since then DI Bylinski-Gelder tries to reverse-justify his wrong to me by pursuing a ‘criminal’ ‘case’ aimed to prove that the destroyed by his actions payment business was bad anyway so there was nothing to destroy and, not less fundamentally, that he and his group of the corrupt police officers of the ranks below and above him did not commit criminal offences when deliberately misleading the court in their Account Freeze Application of 23rd April 2018, and even if they did, it does not matter as nothing matters when there is such a ‘serious’ ‘criminal’ ‘investigation’ which they develop.

Whilst, at the very least, the latter proposition rings the bell of serious corruption and abuse of police powers (used as a mean of disguising own criminal offences of the corrupt police officers), thanks to either own charisma and intellect or otherwise already present wide and conscious culture of deliberate tolerance to serious corruption at the Merseyside Police, or both (which I believe to be the case), he managed to obtain full endorsement of his conduct by the highest management of the Merseyside Police: Assistant Chief Constable Ian Critchley, Deputy Chief Constable Serena Kennedy and Chief Constable Cooke. These respectable high ranks, upon being presented by me with the irresistible evidence of serious corruption of DI Bylinski-Gelder’s team, have called it being “in line with the high standards” (as was stated by ACC Critchley and was silently approved and endorsed by DCC Kennedy and Chief Constable Cooke despite my repeated representations).

Having dealt with the Merseyside Police for more than two years, I can believe this is in line with their high standards. But I do not believe serious corruption and blatant misleading the courts out of prejudice that no person of certain nationality (and / or having a Muslim name like I do) can be a good businessman is a high standard of the UK Police. As a result of such logical analysis I have found that ACC Critchley, DCC Kennedy and Chief Constable Cooke have standards different from the standards of the UK Police and have created a ‘state inside the state’, their own police force, with they own and rule as they wish (with a double face, one – the real one; another one – for the public), in accordance with their personal preferences and tolerance towards deliberate corruption and malice. Even worse, acting as facilitators of malice, they act as a gateway to that ‘ruling‘ for DI Bylinski-Gelder, who has mixed them up in his corrupt practices. Recognizing this, I have filed official complaints against them in November and December 2019 for their wilful cover-up of serious corruption. By that the vicious cycle has closed into itself: what was born as a lie to the Magistrates’ Court by a lowest-rank police officer, who was doing so as a result of the culture of low standards maintained by the management of the Merseyside Police, led the management of the force itself being cornered and having the need to endorse such a conduct, triggering complaints against them being filed. A sham police force which makes sham applications to the courts and maintains sham “high standards”. In which the evil named DI Bylinski-Gelder feels himself at home.

Promotions of Sean Bylinski-Gelder

In my letter to the ‘investigation’ ‘team’ of 13th August 2018, when Mr Bylinski-Gelder was still a sergeant, I indicated my belief of his role to DI Georgeson, who was at the time the Senior Investigating Officer (the head of the ‘investigation’) for ‘Operation Kobus’:

“And getting that theory [of existence of a shade player] I started feeling myself being manipulated to act in active manner just like members of [the] investigation team were manipulated on the other side to act in a self-harming manner, namely they were rather “fooled”/manipulated from inside than “reckless fools”. This is just a theory, pure theory but what is not a theory for me is that behind every misconduct there is a mastermind which is either a fool or a genius. Until very last days and based on what I have seen I got conclusion that I am dealing with “reckless fools”. Now I start turning my opinion that I am dealing with fooled/manipulated persons rather than fools, with an evil genius behind them. And I have reasons to suppose this evil genius are not you, mr. Georgeson, but your subordinate, mr. Bylinsky-Gelder.”

By a pure coincident, eight months after that letter, in April 2019, Sergeant Bylinski-Gelder was promoted to the Senior Investigating Officer and Detective Inspector, wholly replacing DI Georgeson. Whilst his promotion to Inspector was with a label “temporary” (there is such a technical term in police ranks, which has no practical effect when there is a desire to maintain the new rank forever both on the side of the officer and his superiors), it is still inconceivable that it can be a standard of the UK Police when an officer being at the epicenter of the complaints over serious corruption (with prima facie evidence of that available since nine months before his promotion) gets promoted. It is a classical scenario for deeply corrupt countries where you complain about the corruption and, instead of punishment, the corrupt person gets promoted: this happens largely due to intense of his / her work efforts being increased in response to a complaint (or a bribe) and increase in his / her overall readiness to spend more time for work, as, being bribed, people feel themselves motivated, or simply because the corrupt public servant has shared the bribe with his / her superior; the factor of those superiors being in principle (with or without the bribe being shared with them) demonstrably tolerant to the allegations of corruption being the finalizing factor. Whilst, I believe, not much of that, except the demonstrable tolerance to corruption, was applicable here, as Mr Bylinski-Gelder’s promotion was simply a formalization of his real leading role in the corrupt group (one should remember that it also includes the officer of the rank of DCI – DCI Rooney), predicted by me since 8 months before the promotion, the parallel is a striking and fascinating one: it is really a state inside the state, they give unthinkable promotions whenever they want, they own this police force. He – the evil – DI Bylinski-Gelder, owns it, by having mixed up in his corruption the management of the Merseyside Police.

Can anyone in healthy mind believe that in 2019 a public servant in the UK, who is at the epicenter of allegations of serious corruption and commission of criminal offences, one of which (Corrupt / improper exercise of police powers and privileges, as per section 26 of CJCA 2015) prescribes up to 14 years of imprisonment, gets promoted with the explicit complaints of that corruption being in the background? It appears to be inconceivable but that is the high modern standards of the Merseyside Police. Unbelievable but real.

They could try to justify such a promotion by stating it was squeezed into the short window of time between my letter of 4th March 2019, by which I informed my complaint is going to be filed in the end of March 2019, and the date when it was finally filed (17th April 2019), but it would be laughable as the draft of that complaint was with them since July 2018, as also was clear my intent to file a complaint about DI Bylinski-Gelder being the mastermind of serious corruption, from my letter of 4th March 2019.

This, of course, is just a small part of the overall picture of the corruption at the Merseyside Police, but a very indicative one, self-speaking. This police force has such low standards that, instead of addressing serious corruption and punishing the corrupt officers, whose participation in corruption has prima facie evidence, it promotes them.

Being fascinated by that turn, on 11th October 2019 I made an additional complaint about this promotion as an isolated, collateral but nevertheless outstanding, episode. Straight after receipt of my complaint, DI Bylinski-Gelder rushed to pass exams for the promotion (received by him 6 months earlier without any requirements being fulfilled) and to undergo a vetting interview. Having exams successfully passed, he ‘failed’ the interview. Whether was it a pretence by the Merseyside Police, aimed to demonstrate how their ‘internal safeguards’ work or there was a real interview, which he really failed, remains unknown, however, observing the conduct of the Merseyside Police as a whole for two years, I am inclined to think this was a pretence: this force is corrupt to the top, as is explained above and extensively in other posts of this blog (one and two). What is for sure, a person who has received a legitimate promotion, would not react in a rushed way to a complaint by undertaking efforts to reverse-justify the promotion by fulfilling the requirements.

The evil and the management of the Merseyside Police

However, this astonishing angle of the “high standards” of the Merseyside Police should not distract one from the core of the issue, only further highlighting the picture from its angle: there is a well-established group of corrupt police officers at the Merseyside Police, united by the conspiracy of disguising their criminal offences, being committed against me and my business since August 2017 (for almost three years now), which is fully endorsed and supported by the management of the force, who themselves are now subjects of my complaints over deliberate tolerance to serious corruption, whose evidence is prima facie and irresistible. DI Bylinski-Gelder is the man believed by me to be the key person behind the corruption I fell victim to (and which is largely highlighted by my current blog addressed to the UK public), who has managed to secure not only a monolithic support of his team, bound by the earlier participation in the same criminal conduct with him, but also the full, shameful (and resulting into a mixing up in the same conduct) endorsement by the management of the Merseyside Police. Whilst the role of the high ranks of the Merseyside Police – ACC Ian Critchley, DCC Serena Kennedy and Chief Constable Andrew Cooke – in facilitating serious corruption by way of conscious betrayal of the public interest and the public trust, is fundamental one and represents the main reason of existence of this blog, it is important and fair that, beside naming those facilitators of malice and the evil, I inform the UK public about the name of that ultimate evil – Detective Inspector Sean Bylinski-Gelder of the Merseyside Police.

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