Operation Kobus is over. My complaints against Merseyside Police are not.

Operation Kobus is over. My complaints against Merseyside Police are not.

On 18 October 2023 I was informed by my opponents within Merseyside Police of the stop of the so called ‘investigation’ codenamed Operation Kobus.

As was informed by me many times to those dishonest individuals within Merseyside Police who were utilizing the available to them police powers of portraying a ‘police’ ‘investigation’ against me for 6 years, my complaints against them will continue until their logical and proportionate (to the damages to my life) end, irrelevantly from the status of the malicious and now defunct vehicle of self-defence named ‘Operation’ ‘Kobus’.

They were informed of the same once again.

I have offered the 8 officers and those within the Merseyside Police who covered their misconduct up to apologise and resign voluntarily. I also expect that at least one police officer who terrorized my life by abuse of police powers for years in a row is prosecuted.

As of today only two of them have resigned. None of them has apologised. None of them has been prosecuted. Yet.

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