Call to action to the UK netizens on serious corruption

Call to action to the UK netizens on serious corruption

Dear UK netizens,

If you have spare 5 minutes and a desire to do a very good thing for your country, please read this post carefully, as it will not take much of your time.

About me

I am a Russian-born businessman owning different Fintech companies, but I do not live in Russia since 2011 and am a EU citizen. I work a lot and am proud to have sponsored Liverpool FC for 4 years through one of my companies. In fact, I stopped that sponsorship and moved the nearly million-worth sponsorship contract to a German Football Club largely because of the ugly and shocking corruption I got to face in the UK during the last 2 years. This alone has likely costed Liverpool FC millions of pounds on a sponsorship contract and hundreds of thousands of pounds in lost taxes for the UK government.

What is this call to action about

My call to you is about serious corruption in the UK system which will flourish unless a coordinated response is given to it. This post is about the UK public’s interest and very serious concern, as I am informing you about the compromised high-ranked officials in the UK system and a network of serious corruption discovered by me. The short story requiring 2 minutes of reading is available here.

Two reasons why should you spend 5 minutes on reading this post

The first reason is that even if two percent of police officers in the UK are corrupt (for example, there are 3,000 complaints over corruption in police being made annually), your risk of facing those one day or another, is far from zero. Add here the prolonged period of time of having such a risk, existence of it not only for you but also for the members of your family, and you will understand that, in fact, the risk for you or your family to fall a victim of police corruption directly or indirectly is not so low as you might perceive. And when it happens, it can really break your life into two halves like it happened with me. By spending 5 minutes for reading this you are helping to reduce this risk for you, your family and friends.

The second – and, probably, not less fundamental, reason is that, by spending for reading this post 5 minutes I am asking you about (if not 3 minutes already, if you have read up to here), you will support the prosperity of the UK. How? It is not a secret that the prosperity of a country largely relies on its Rule of Law. The latter is being guarded largely by the police officers. As long as those are corrupt or tolerate corruption (which is the same) this damages the prosperity of the UK because, instead of fighting real criminals, they first create mess for unsuspecting members of public (like me or you), then spend public funding to cover that up, sometimes for years in a row (like in my case). What I have discovered appears to be a network of serious corruption with a very high-flying cover-up by the management of a police force. This poses very serious risk of internal compromise for the UK system, simply because there is no one above the management of a police force: even the prime minister cannot remove a Chief Constable; they are independent and not accountable to anyone. Except public.

There are now a Chief Constable, with the second and third highest ranks below him, who are compromised by wilful endorsing serious corruption of their subordinates in the face of irresistible evidence of dishonesty of those, not to say criminal offences. The current moment is the moment when it is the time for the public to put the highest management of a police force, who wilfully and recklessly have turned a blind eye on serious corruption, to the account.

The UK needs your help to address serious and high-flying corruption in the system because there is a kind of critical public servants who are accountable to no one but the public – you. Those public servants – the management of the police force – have endorsed and covered up very serious corruption, betraying the public trust and the prosperity of the UK – of you, your family, your children and grandchildren. Their serious corruption will continue damaging the country until the public addresses them by a coordinated reaction to what is an obvious case of wilful cover-up of criminal offences of the police officers.

What is needed?

You will be pleased to know that I do not invite you to participate in any street demonstrations, street campaigns and other kind of challenging investment of time and efforts. I need to underscore, this call for action has nothing to do about politics and it does not matter whether you vote for blue, red, yellow or green, there is no breaking dilemma “to be or not to be”, “to exit or to stay” and so on. This is about so simple and obligatory thing, that no one can argue with the points I raise: no one likes corruption, no one likes lies, no one likes abuse of power and no one likes when a highly paid public servant, like a Chief Constable with the annual income of ₤180,000 betrays the public trust by reckless cover-up of outrageous dishonesty, putting himself in a wholly compromised position, in a hope that no one ever will learn about it.

All I ask you about is to undertake one or two steps described below. Each of those steps should not take more than 1 minutes of your time.

If you are against corruption in police and want to support prosperity of the UK, you are on the doorstep of most efficient time spend in your life: spending 2 minutes of time for making your country better, more prosperous and good place to live in for you and your family. The required steps are:

Step 1 – retweet the message in Twitter and share it in Facebook

This message is duplicated in the Facebook post, and Twitter post. All you need is to share in your Facebook and then retweet in your Twitter account with the hashtag #NoPoliceCorruptionUK so that your friends can see my current message and join the coordinated response of civil society to the issue of serious corruption. It is not a political action and it does not matter what are your beliefs, political preferences etc. If you are against corruption – just do that, and you will benefit yourself and your country, the society, the people around you. There is no dilemma in fighting corruption: it is the good thing to do. There is a lot of evidence of serious corruption provided by me and anyone who has time to read it, will understand that it is all truth. People are not stupid, they will understand the issue once the case reaches the needed publicity, which you can facilitate by spreading this message. By doing so, you will hold corrupt and highly paid officials to the account over their compromised nature and silent betrayal of the public trust.

What can be simpler than sharing a message in Facebook or retweeting it in Twitter? What can be more undoubtebly right thing to do than to highlight corruption? Nothing.

Step 2 (optional) – ask Merseyside Police to reply 7 simple questions from me

At the blog post (duplicated as a Facebook post and Twitter post I have listed 7 important questions to the management of Merseyside Police. Merseyside Police have a Twitter page and Facebook page. Their management will surely not want to reply the 7 questions listed for them by me in my public blog and social network posts because their deadlock strategy was always based on silent betrayal of the public interest. Right now they are sitting and praying for this case never coming up public. Because they have blatantly covered up serious corruption in full confidence it will never be known to anyone.

Let us hold the three highest ranks of Merseyside Police to the account for the £400,000 of combined annual income of them (just three persons) which they take home together every year, while silently covering up outrageous dishonesty and criminal offences of their subordinates, doing so in the face of irresistible evidence, recklessly turning a blind eye on the lost integrity and disrepute they bring to the policing by that.

All what is needed for you as a member of public is to visit Facebook page and / or Twitter page of Merseyside Police and invite them to reply by posting the following:

Dear Sirs and Ladies, the three highest ranks of your Force are challenged in public by 7 simple questions –

As a member of public, I am concerned by the issues raised in those questions. Could you please be so kind and reply those questions in public?

Remember that these people cannot do anything to you and every second they sit in their office rooms and pray that you would never post that invitation anywhere, as all they want now is to save their now wholly compromised but still highly paid by your taxes positions after having blatantly endorsed outrageous corruption. But if you do not want or feel discomfort from performing the second step above, making just the first step (sharing/retweeting the post) would still make a BIG difference.

Whether can you do just one step or two steps above, after performing any of them you can say to yourself that you have done a very important mission, spreading the word about the controversial situation in which the public interest, the interest of the UK is in danger due to the bad faith corrupt officials. By performing those steps you help to improve the UK system to even brighter levels of its uncontested leadership and progress.

On the other hand, by failing to undertake any of the steps above, you should keep in mind that corruption benefits from silence and by failing to react and make a little step which will make a big difference, you facilitate corruption in the UK system. This corruption wants your ignorance and indifference even where you were required to undertake a very basic step by spending one minute of your time.


If you are reading this, be sure that this post is still actual regardless if you read it 1 month after it was made; as long as there is no confirmation in this post that the corruption was properly addressed, this post is actual as never before.

Keep in touch

If you have done any of the steps above, feel free to inform me about it by private message or e-mail – I will surely reply and thank you!

Contact the author

One thought on “Call to action to the UK netizens on serious corruption

  1. It is very worrying and astonishing how wide spread this has turned out to be, l have been a victim of police corruption and the police forces involved are Kent and Greater Manchester Police forces. This is not going to be be because as the root cause is the so called police regulator who help corrupt police officers to evaded justice. Us victims are demonstrated and feel some people are above the law and most worry
    worryingly MPs J, Crime Commissioners and Journalists haven’t focused on any of the these wicked police officers that’s why it is going on.

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