Operation Kobus is over. My complaints against Merseyside Police are not.

Operation Kobus is over. My complaints against Merseyside Police are not.

On 18 October 2023 I was informed by my opponents within Merseyside Police of the stop of the so called ‘investigation’ codenamed Operation Kobus. As was informed by me many times to those dishonest individuals within Merseyside Police who were utilizing the available to them police powers of portraying a ‘police’ ‘investigation’ against me for 6 years, my complaints against them will continue until their logical and proportionate (to the damages to my life) end, irrelevantly from the status of…

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The system of safeguards against police corruption is not operative in the UK. With some indirect exceptions

The system of safeguards against police corruption is not operative in the UK. With some indirect exceptions

The short story of anti-corruption safeguards of the UK law enforcement is that they are dead. As it has been a long time since I posted in this blog, I see it beneficial, if not required, to give some update and elaborate the point above. As of now, most of the judicial reviews initiated by me, have been finalized: they all have been refused, up to the final instance. At the root of my claims, all I have asked about…

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Three High Court claims which will shape the UK policing for decades

Three High Court claims which will shape the UK policing for decades

Before I go ahead with the main topic I feel it useful to put some credits to QC Chris Daw, who is a person that has taught me the peculiarities of the labyrinth-like police complaints system of the UK from my initial basic knowledge about it to the level on which I feel myself confident when making very fundamental claims to the High Court I speak about. To understand some topic in a limited time, it is always important that…

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7 differences and 7 similarities with “Nick the Fantasist” case

7 differences and 7 similarities with “Nick the Fantasist” case

My attention was inescapably attracted by “Nick the Fantasist” scandal happened recently in the UK, as it largely relates to the irreversible damages improper applying of police powers can cause to lives of people. In October 2019 an ex-High Court judge, Sir Richard Henriques, made available his analysis of the work of the IOPC (Independent Office for Police Conduct) in investigating the conduct of the police officers who, as per Sir Richard Henriques, may be liable for misconduct arising from…

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Detective Sergeant / Inspector Sean Bylinski-Gelder

Detective Sergeant / Inspector Sean Bylinski-Gelder

The evil has many names and in my case it is Detective Inspector Sean Bylinski-Gelder, who I believe to be the key person behind the corruption at the Merseyside Police I fell victim to. This charismatic, highly intelligent (but low-ethics) man was a Sergeant behind the two initial ex parte applications of 10th August 2017 (Production Order) and 23rd April 2018 (Account Freezing Order), discussed in another post of my blog. The first application (for a Production Order) was deemed…

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Call to action to the UK netizens on serious corruption

Call to action to the UK netizens on serious corruption

Dear UK netizens, If you have spare 5 minutes and a desire to do a very good thing for your country, please read this post carefully, as it will not take much of your time. About me I am a Russian-born businessman owning different Fintech companies, but I do not live in Russia since 2011 and am a EU citizen. I work a lot and am proud to have sponsored Liverpool FC for 4 years through one of my companies….

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7 public questions on serious corruption to the management of Merseyside Police

7 public questions on serious corruption to the management of Merseyside Police

Dear management of Merseyside Police, in particular, Assistant Chief Constable Ian Critchley, Deputy Chief Constable Serena Kennedy and Chief Constable Andrew Cooke. My current post is written in the context of my concerns raised in the post “Serious corruption in Merseyside Police: exposed and explained“. Together, you are the three highest officers of Merseyside Police. As you well know, it so happened that I got serious concerns over credibility of a dozen of your subordinates, whom I believe to either…

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Serious corruption in Merseyside Police: exposed and explained

Serious corruption in Merseyside Police: exposed and explained

If you are reading this page you are likely trying to understand what on earth is going on and what about is the serious corruption in Merseyside Police I talk about in my lengthy posts. As I appreciate many of people visiting this page have very limited time, I have prepared my current post to, first, introduce a very short and compact story of the events, which can be read and understood, probably, in 2 minutes, and some guide /…

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Association Against Abuse of Police Powers and Privileges

Association Against Abuse of Police Powers and Privileges

As result of struggling and emotional pains from which I got to suffer during the last 1.5 years, I often was finding myself having the feeling of helplessness and injustice: opposing maliciously acting members of a powerful public office, such as police,  who appeared (and appear) to have ringed everything, is a terrifying experience. It is all the more so when one observes the system of safeguards – the Professional Standards Department and the IOPC failing to act as such….

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Open letter to the public of the UK on serious corruption

Open letter to the public of the UK on serious corruption

Dear public of the UK, Today I am making public a big set of material which, I believe, acts as irresistible evidence of the existence of the network of serious corruption in the regional UK police force which has affected and attacked me and my UK FCA-licensed business, causing its full destroying. I do believe that this network is a result of precursor conditions which were a culture of nepotism and tolerance in this regional police force of the UK…

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